Seraphim Nursery School - Konnager
Interesting Environment
Our environment have colourful charts, cut-outs, wall art and craft, posters, jigsaw puzzles, pick and keeps, building blocks, clay models, hand puppets, soft toys, plastic fruits, vegetables, animals, birds, colourful tablets, abacus, flash cards. We have singing, dancing, storytelling, P.T activities.
Seraphim Nursery School - Konnager
Enriched souls
Our dynamic syllabus enriches our students and make it quite interesting and enjoying so our kids love to come every day and is not willing to stay back at home. This is out great achievement.

our impact

Culture, as described, is the way each Society trains and educates their young generation. This training is given inside the family unit, by the neighbours, by the people who interact with them and by formal training and education in Seraphim Nursery. Seraphim Nursery not a crèche. We try to educate the children in our own way