Independence day Celebrations

Little angels celebrating Independence day.
Seraphin NUrsery School Seraphin NUrsery School Seraphin NUrsery School
Seraphin NUrsery School Seraphin NUrsery School Seraphin NUrsery School
Seraphin NUrsery School Seraphin NUrsery School Seraphin NUrsery School
Seraphin NUrsery School

independence day

15th august - honour to freedom fighters

Independence Day, observed annually on 15 August, is a national holiday in India commemorating the nation's independence from British rule on 15 August 1947.The holiday is observed throughout India with flag-hoisting ceremonies, parades and cultural events.

At Seraphim Nursery School, Konnagar, Independence Day is celebrated by children and teachers by flag-hoisting ceremony and singing patriotic songs.